Welcome to Blue Swallow Jewelry Blogspot

Delighted to share news, happenings and adventures with you! Please feel free to share !

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Arrivals at The Swallow's Tale

The Swallow's Tale has some new bracelets that I thought might be fun to make and wear. They are part of the Vive La France category and are titled Vignettes au Jardin. They are whimsical charm bracelets . The inspiration for their creation was my backyard and the great number of trees I have. I like to think the trees are guardians or scribes and will remember everything that happens in the garden. The bracelets are made with a brass tree branch, beads or pearls and have three little charms on one of the small branches. I have priced them to be affordable so everyone can think of the trees and the memories they certainly must have! The bracelet in the picture features the moon, a brass leaf and a vintage black bead. The beads around the bracelet are vintage, too! When I look out the window at night the moon is framed by the trees in the backyard. The glow keeps me awake sometimes. I tried to show that with this piece. The picture is a bit disappointing-I took about 25 pictures trying to get a shot that showed how detailed and luminous the moon bead is. Well, not too successful! It IS lovely "in person", though.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Everything is overwhelming on Monday. Tuesday's Treasures is tomorrow and there are always pictures of my new pieces to add to the website! The ordeal with the camera is crazy. Position the bracelet, check the light, set the tripod, get ready, get set, aim....... the tripod slides and everything has to begin again. Does anyone have any tips on taking photos?
The best is when you think you have "captured" your piece perfectly, put it up on the computer and the question, "What is THAT?" flashes through your mind. There are folders upon folders of unusable pictures waiting to be deleted and I have no time to do it!!
And with that I am off to the BEAD DUNGEON to begin yet another photo session. See you!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

French Homework

Alors, nous sommes dimanche!! Il faut que je faire les devoirs, mais je prefere d'ecriver a ce blog. domage, n'est-ce pas!! That's the extent of the French today!! Seriously, I am taking a 301 French course which is an introduction to French Literature. The entire class is conducted in French. Everything is understood, all the reading is comprehended in depth, but I STILL CANNOT speak French. It is driving me nuts? Any helpful hints?

Our current piece of literature is La Vieille Dame de Bayeux, a detective story written by Georges Simenon. The detective's name is Maigret and the most interesting scene so far is when Maigret walks into the Procureur's office as a clumsy detective, bumping in to things, acting silly , etc. And right there in the text it is mentioned about this being a caricature of a French detective with the only thing missing-a moustache. Immediately who do you think of? Yes, Chief Inspector Clouseau. La Vieille Dame de Bayeaux was written in the early to mid 20th century and already there was an inspector Clouseau stereotype!! I had no idea. Perhaps this is a "duh" moment pour moi!!

Well, I HAVE to do my homework. A bientot.
Sorry there are no accent marks. Can't figure out how to do them .

Friday, May 14, 2010

Making Jewelry at The Swallow's Tale

My shop went online in April and one of the hardest things about designing for people online is that you don't know what they like!! My own personal preferences are what I have been using as a design guide so far. The preferred materials are brass and vintage beads, vintage cabochons and vintage brass pieces when I can find them.The goal in the shop is to make jewelry that is affordable, one of a kind and desirable..
What is your preference, pearls, semi precious stones, brass, etc. Tell me what is appealing for you! I'd be delighted to craft something you would enjoy wearing!